data BitSize Source #
Defined in Data.Size
Associated Types
type Rep BitSize :: Type -> Type #
from :: BitSize -> Rep BitSize x #
to :: Rep BitSize x -> BitSize #
showsPrec :: Int -> BitSize -> ShowS #
show :: BitSize -> String #
showList :: [BitSize] -> ShowS #
put :: Putter BitSize #
get :: Get BitSize #
rnf :: BitSize -> () #
(==) :: BitSize -> BitSize -> Bool #
(/=) :: BitSize -> BitSize -> Bool #
compare :: BitSize -> BitSize -> Ordering #
(<) :: BitSize -> BitSize -> Bool #
(<=) :: BitSize -> BitSize -> Bool #
(>) :: BitSize -> BitSize -> Bool #
(>=) :: BitSize -> BitSize -> Bool #
max :: BitSize -> BitSize -> BitSize #
min :: BitSize -> BitSize -> BitSize #
data ByteSize Source #
type Rep ByteSize :: Type -> Type #
from :: ByteSize -> Rep ByteSize x #
to :: Rep ByteSize x -> ByteSize #
showsPrec :: Int -> ByteSize -> ShowS #
show :: ByteSize -> String #
showList :: [ByteSize] -> ShowS #
put :: Putter ByteSize #
get :: Get ByteSize #
rnf :: ByteSize -> () #
(==) :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> Bool #
(/=) :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> Bool #
compare :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> Ordering #
(<) :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> Bool #
(<=) :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> Bool #
(>) :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> Bool #
(>=) :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> Bool #
max :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> ByteSize #
min :: ByteSize -> ByteSize -> ByteSize #
byteSize :: ByteSize -> Int Source #