- Our verified x86 binary lifting paper has been accepted at PLDI 2022!
- Our FMUC paper has been nominated for the TACAS 2020 EASST Award for Systematic and Rigorous Engineering of Software & Systems
- Our FMUC paper has been awarded the TACAS 2020 Artifact Evaluation Accepted badge!
- Our FMUC paper has been accepted at TACAS 2020!
- Our memory preservation paper has been accepted at SAFECOMP 2019!
The Luce project is an investigation into how to automatically reason about memory corruption-related weird machines. To achieve this goal, we are exploring algorithmic techniques that, at compile-time, compute a class of memory corruption-related, unintended emergent behaviors that are formally proven accurate.
While the term Luce is an acronym, standing for LLVM with formal memory usage certificates, it is also Latin and Italian for light and is pronounced as such.
Memory preservation
Central to reasoning about memory usage is the notion of memory preservation: specific regions of memory can be formally proven to not be modified by a program operating in that memory space. We are investigating how to compute preconditions on the relationships between program-modified memory regions that prevent weird machines from emerging at run-time: for any pair of memory regions accessed by the program, the preconditions state whether those regions must be (spatially) separate, enclosed, or overlapping in order to prevent potential memory corruption exploits. For example, the preconditions may state that heap memory regions pointed to by a function’s arguments must not overlap with the function’s stack frame regions. This is necessary to prevent potential return-address exploits, such as return-oriented programming (ROP) attacks.
FMUCs and automated proof generation
Luce’s algorithms operate on assembly code, which may be produced by a compiler or obtained via disassembly. From that assembly, Luce automatically generates a formal memory usage certificate, or FMUC, for every function analyzed. Each FMUC contains:
- theorems on memory preservation;
- the preconditions under which memory preservation can be established; and
- proof ingredients.
The theorems and preconditions mentioned above leverage Hoare logic. The proof ingredients contain required assumptions on memory layout, control flow information, and invariants. Those are computed using a suite of techniques, including syntactic control flow extraction, SMT solving, and symbolic execution.
As the FMUCs are (automatically) generated by untrusted components (i.e., handcrafted control flow analyzers, SMT solvers, etc.), Luce uses an interactive theorem prover to verify them. The proof obligations embodied in the FMUCs are semi-automatically discharged by the Isabelle/HOL theorem prover, leveraging customized proof strategies. Only minor modifications and some proof guidance when dealing with loops are needed to finish the proofs.
- Formally Verified Lifting of C-compiled x86-64 Binaries. Freek Verbeek, Joshua A. Bockenek, Zhoulai Fu, and Binoy Ravindran, 43rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2022), June 13-17, 2022, San Diego, California, USA.
- Highly Automated Formal Proofs over Memory Usage of Assembly Code. Freek Verbeek, Joshua A. Bockenek, and Binoy Ravindran, 26th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS 2020), April 25-30, 2020, Dublin, Ireland.
- Formal Verification of Memory Preservation of x86-64 Binaries. Joshua A. Bockenek, Freek Verbeek, Peter Lammich, and Binoy Ravindran, 38th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2019), September 10-13, 2019, Turku, Finland.
Code and proofs
- The associated code and proofs for our TACAS 2020 paper can be found here. An archive of the artifact as submitted to the conference, following the official guidelines, can be found here.
- The associated code and proofs for our SAFECOMP 2019 paper can be found in the repository here. An archive of the artifact for that conference can be found here.
- Joshua A. Bockenek, Virginia Tech,
- Binoy Ravindran, Virginia Tech,
- Freek Verbeek, Virginia Tech,
Luce is an open-source project from the Systems Software Research Group (SSRG) at Virginia Tech. It is based on work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under Agreement No. HR.00112090028, ONR under grant N00014-17-1-2297, NAVSEA/NEEC under grant N00174-16-C-0018, and US Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division under grant N00174-20-1-0009.