
Formally verified x86-64 decompilation

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How to build FoxDec (for developpers)

  1. Install Graphviz and make sure dot is accessible by updating the PATH environment variable.
  2. Install Stack, the build tool used for developping FoxDec.
  3. Update the PATH variable: PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin
  4. Install Capstone 4.0.1 (git), by downloading it and running ./ and then sudo ./ install.
    IMPORTANT: it must specifically be version 4.0.1, do not install Capstone using apt-get or brew as that will install a newer version.
  5. Clone into the git git clone
  6. Go to directory ./foxdec/.
  7. Run stack build --haddock --haddock-arguments --odir=docs/haddock. This builds the application and generates documentation using Haddock.
  8. Run stack install. This copies executables to accessible locations.
  9. Run -c ./config/config.dhall -d examples/wc_small/ -n wc -v -i BINARY --Gmetrics. This runs FoxDec on the wc example.

We use some tools that are assumed to be standard available and accessible (i.e., added to the PATH environment variable). For Linux, these are readelf and objdump (latter is optional but convenient). For Mac, these are otool and nm.

With profiling enabled:

stack build --profile
time stack exec --profile -- foxdec-exe -c ./config/config.dhall -d examples/wc_small/ -n wc -v -i BINARY --Gmetrics +RTS -p

M1 ARM64 architectures


Regrettably, the Haskell environment is not yet up-to-date wrt. ARM64 architectures such as the M1 chip in new MacBooks. We cannot use our preferred build-tool Stack, but have a setup working using cabal. A drawback of this approach is that it may interfere with an existing installation of the Haskell environment. Also, the installation is way more involved. Specifically, it requires an edit in a .h file of MacOs’ XCode Command Line Tools, which is unstable and comes with risk. As soon as Stack supports ARM64, we will revert to that approach. If there are any issues, do not hesitate to contact us.

The GitHub page is here.

  1. Install the Xcode Command Line tools:

     xcode-select --install

    Confirm the pop-up message. There is no need to install XCode in its entirety.

  2. Install Graphviz and make sure dot is accessible by updating the PATH environment variable.
  3. Install ghc and cabal using ghcup. The curl-command they provide interactively asks you which things to install; there is no need to install stack as it it is ARM64 incompatible. We have installed ghc 8.10.7.
  4. Install LLVM (version between 9 and 13, we have installed version 13.0.1) using homebrew:

     brew install llvm
  5. Update the PATH variable: export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"
  6. Install Capstone 4.0.1 (git), by downloading it and running ./ and then sudo ./ install.
    IMPORTANT: it must specifically be version 4.0.1, do not install Capstone using apt-get or brew as that will install a newer version.
  7. Open, using sudo, the file /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX12.1.sdk/usr/include/mach/arm/_structs.h Insert the following as line 443

     typedef unsigned __uint128_t __attribute__ ((mode (TI)));

    This will define the __uint128_t type: TI is Tetra-integer, which is 4 times the width of int.

  8. Clone into the git git clone
  9. Go to directory ./foxdec/.
  10. Run

     cabal build

    This builds the application.

  11. Run

     cabal haddock --haddock-option "--odir=docs/haddock"

    This generates documentation.

  12. Run

     cabal install

    This copies executables to ~/.cabal/bin/. Be sure that this directory is in your PATH.

  13. Run foxdec-exe 1 examples/du du. This runs FoxDec on the du example.